Water Management

Water Hammer Research
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling

Kaveh Hariri Asli, PhD

Water Hammer Research

Published. Now Available
Pub Date: March 2013.
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781926895314
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-262-8
E-Book ISBN: 9781466568877
Pages: 285pp
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback

Now Available in Paperback

This book provides a broad understanding of the main computational techniques used for water hammer research in water systems. The theoretical background to a number of techniques is introduced, and general data analysis techniques and examining the application of techniques in an industrial setting, including current practices and current research, are considered. The book also provides practical experience of commercially available systems and includes small-scale water systems related projects.

The book presents new research and development works that have potential for important applications in several disciplines of hydraulic and mechanical engineering, such as:

Water resources engineering, which is the quantitative study of the hydrologic cycle—the distribution and circulation of water linking the earth’s atmosphere, land and oceans.
Surface runoff, which is measured as the difference between precipitation and abstractions, such as infiltration (which replenishes groundwater flow), surface storage, and evaporation. Applications include the management of the urban water supply, the design of urban storm-sewer systems, and flood forecasting.
Hydraulic engineering, which consists of the application of fluid mechanics to water flowing in an isolated environment (pipe, pump) or in an open channel (river, lake, ocean). Civil engineers are primarily concerned with open channel flow, which is governed by the interdependent interaction between the water and the channel. Applications include the design of hydraulic structures, such as sewage conduits, dams and breakwaters, the management of waterways, such as erosion protection and flood protection, and environmental management, such as prediction of the mixing and transport of pollutants in surface water.
Hydroelectric-power development, water supply, irrigation and navigation, which are some familiar applications of water resources engineering involving the utilization of water for beneficial purposes. More recently, concern for preserving our natural environment and meeting the needs of developing countries has increased the importance of water resources engineering.

In the book various methods were developed to solve transient flow in pipes. This range includes the approximate equations to numerical solutions of the non-linear Navier–Stokes equations. The model was presented by method of the Eulerian based expressed in a method of characteristics “MOC”. It was defined by finite difference form for heterogeneous model with varying state in the system. The book offered “MOC” as a computational approach from theory to practice in numerical analysis modeling. Therefore it was presented as a computationally efficient method for transient flow irreversibility prediction in a practical case.

This book publishes significant research reporting new methodologies and important applications in prediction of water transmission failure as well as includes the latest coverage of chemical databases and the development of new computational methods and efficient algorithms for hydraulic software and mechanical engineering.


Chapter 1: Fluid Interpenetration and Pulsation
Chapter 2: The Interpenetration of Fluids in the Pipe and Stratified Flow in the Channel
Chapter 3: Heat Transfer and Phase Transitions in Binary Mixtures of Liquid with Vapor Bubble
Chapter 4: Water Hammer and Surge Wave Modeling
Chapter 5: Computer Models for Fluid Interpenetration
Chapter 6: Heat Flow and Transient Materials
Chapter 7: Health FLow and Porous Materials
Chapter 8: Thermal Environment
Chapter 9: Heat Flow in Non-homogeneous Material


About the Authors / Editors:
Kaveh Hariri Asli, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan

Kaveh Hariri Asli, PhD, is a professor at the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan. He is also a professional mechanical engineer with over 30 years of experience in practicing mechanical engineering design and teaching. He is author of over 50 articles and reports in the fields of fluid mechanics, hydraulics, automation and control systems. Dr. Hariri consulted for a number of major corporations.

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