
Heavy Metals and Other Pollutants in the Environment
Biological Aspects

Editors: Gennady E. Zaikov, DSc
Larissa I. Weisfeld, PhD
Eugene M. Lisitsyn, DSc
Sarra A. Bekuzarova, DSc
Reviewer and Advisory Board Members:
Anatoly I. Opalko, PhD, Professor; and A. K. Haghi, PhD

Heavy Metals and Other Pollutants in the Environment

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: July 2017
Hardback Price: $149.95 US
Hard ISBN: 9781771884372
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-630-5
E-Book ISBN: 9781315366029
Pages: 470 pp+index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Notes: 77 b/w illustrations

“In this book, new data are presented about the distribution of heavy metals in soils and other rocks of natural and arable fields, which is necessary for estimation of its availability for agricultural plants. Well-known scientists from the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Belarus obtained experimental data. They are specialists in their own scientific fields and represent scientific centers from their various regions, which differ significantly in their natural conditions. The authors describe different challenges to decrease the technogenic load on the environment of the countryside as well as to evaluate possibilities of sustainable development of agriculture. This monograph is intended for ecologists who are specialists in the field of environmental protection and conservation of biological diversity. The book may also be used by practical ecologists, geneticists, plant physiologists, and specialists in related scientific fields. The book will be helpful for lecturers, students, and faculty who are interested in problems of the interrelation between living organisms and abiotic environments.”
—Alexander N. Goloshchapov, PhD, Deputy Director and Head, Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Bases of Biological Systems, Emanuel Institute Biochemical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

“The detailed coverage of diverse topics indicates an impressive breadth of knowledge on this subject. Heavy Metals and Other Pollutants in the Environment has succeeded in providing an overview of both new data and divergent views of specialists in different fields of biological and ecological knowledge on interrelation between abiotic environment and living organisms. Although there is particular emphasis on East European territory, this book will appeal to researchers in other countries, regardless of their regional interests, in addition to advanced undergraduate and graduate students in soil science, chemistry, botany, microbiology and ecology.”
—— Nikolai V. Glotov, DSc, Professor, Dept. of Biology, Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), in Journal of Nature Science and Sustainable Technology, 11(1)

Now Available in Paperback

This important new volume presents a plethora of research focusing on the distribution of heavy metals in soils and rocks of natural habitats, farmlands, and urbanized areas along with the factors influencing their bioavailability. The authors evaluate such factors as the content of organic matter, levels of soil acidity, content of mineral fertilizers, and more. Developed for ecologists and specialists in the field of environmental protection and the conservation of biological diversity, the book presents the problems of reducing the anthropogenic load on the surrounding countryside and focuses on sustainable agricultural development.

With data obtained by scientists from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus who represent the research centers of the regions, the book contains studies of the soils and environments of these different climatic regions, regions that significantly differ from each other in natural conditions. The focus is dedicated to the questions of occurrence and behavior of heavy metals and pollutants in the complex soil-plant-animal-human system.

Topics include:
• risks of pollution of environment with heavy metals for higher animals
• possibility of foodstuff protection from pollutants
• heavy metals in soils and mother rocks
• impact of heavy metals on vegetation
• effects of heavy metals on algae and soil microorganisms
• effects of heavy metals on early an remote consequences of irradiation

Features include:
• Presents original results on seasonal and profile dynamics of heavy metal concentration in soil and their connection with plant and microorganisms development
• Presents an original theoretical description of process of cell reaction on heavy metal treatment
• Reviews all aspects of heavy metals behavior in complex soil-plant-animal-human interrelationship
• Describes relevant experimental techniques for the selection and design of biological ways of decreasing the toxicity of pollutants in environment for humans

Heavy Metals and Other Pollutants in the Environment: Biological Aspects will be of interest to ecologists, soil scientists, geneticists, physiologists, and other related professionals. The book will helpful for professors, undergraduate, and graduate students interested in the problems of interaction between living organisms and the abiotic environment. The book recommended for libraries at universities and the departments of agriculture and environment.

Part I: Heavy Metals in Soils. the Factors Influencing Their Accumulations in Plants
1. Heavy Metals in Soils and Parent Rocks of Natural Lands in North-East of European Russia
Lyudmila N. Shikhova
2. Seasonal Dynamics in Content of Some Heavy Metals and Microelements in Arable Soils of Taiga Zone of European Russia
Lyudmila N. Shikhova and Eugene M. Lisitsyn
3. Dynamics of Organic Matter Content in Sod-Podzolic Soils Differ in Degree of Cultivation
Lyudmila N. Shikhova, Olga A. Zubkova, and Eugene M. Lisitsyn
4. Heavy Metals in the System Soil-Plant When Using Sewage Sludge for Fertilizer
Genrietta Y. Merzlaya, Rafail A. Afanas’ev, Olga A. Vlasova, and Michail O. Smirnov
5. Dynamics of Exchange Potassium in the Soils During Prolonged Trials When Fertilizer Applying
Rafail A. Afanas’ev, Genrietta Y. Merzlaya, and Mikhail O. Smirnov
6. Heavy Metals in Soils and Plants of Urban Ecosystems (On the Example of the City of Yoshkar-Ola)
Olga L. Voskresenskaya, Elena A. Alyabysheva, Elena V. Sarbayeva, and Vladimir S. Voskresenskiy
7. Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soils
Sarra A. Bekuzarova, Larissa I. Weisfeld, and Eugene N. Alexandrov
Part II: Impact of Heavy Metals on Vegetation
8. Plants: Bioindicators of Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals
Sarra A. Bekusarova, Irina ?. Shabanova, and Alan D. Bekmursov
9. Influence of Acid Soil Stressors on Phytocenoses Formation
Tatyana L. Egoshina, Lyudmila N. Shikhova, and Eugene M. Lisitsyn
10. Features of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Vascular Plants
Tatyana L. Egoshina, Lyudmila N. Shikhova, and Eugene M. Lisitsyn
11. Dynamics of Cadmium and Lead in Acid Sod-Podzolic Soils and Reaction of Cereal Plants on Them
Eugene M. Lisitsyn, and Lyudmila N. Shikhova
12. Comparative Cytogenetic Analysis of Indigenous and Introduced Species of Woody Plants in Conditions of Anthropogenic Pollution
Tatyana V. Baranova and Vladislav N. Kalaev
Part III: Effects of Different Pollutants on Algae, Fungi, and Soil Microorganisms
13. Structural Reconstruction of a Membrane at Absorption of Mn2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, and Pb2+ with Green Algae Chlorella vulgaris Beij
Vasil V. Grubinko, Angela I. Lutsiv, and ?atherina V. Kostyuk
14. Accumulation and Effects of Selenium and Zinc on Chlorella vulgaris Beij. (Chlorophyta) Metabolism
Halina B. Viniarska, Oksana I. Bodnar, Olesya V. Vasilenko, and Anna V. Stanislavchuk
15. Development of Rhizobium galegae under Extreme Conditions
Liliya E. Kartyzhova and Zinaida M. Aleschenkova
16. Biosorption of Hexavalent Chromium and Uranium by Bacteria, Microalga, and Fungi
Inga Zinicovscaia, Alexey V. Safonov, and Tatiana V. Khijniak
Part IV: The Risks of Environmental Pollution with Heavy Metals for Vertebrates: The Possibility of Protecting Food Products from Pollutants
17. Features of Pathogenesis of Cells under the Influence of Heavy Metals
Natalia K. Belisheva
Effect of the Lead Nitrate on Development of the Early and Remote Consequences under Irradiation of Mice at Low Dose
Lyudmila N. Shishkina, Alevtina G. Kudyasheva , Oksana G. Shevchenko, Nadezhda G. Zagorskaya, and Mikhail V. Kozlov
18. Response of Marine Fish Liver on Environmental Pollution
Irina I. Rudneva, Maria P. Rudyk, Victoria V. Shepelevich, Larisa ?. Skivka, Natalia N. Roslova, Ekaterina N. Skuratovskaya, Irina I. Chesnokova, Valentin G. Shaida, and Tatiana B. Kovyrshina

About the Authors / Editors:
Editors: Gennady E. Zaikov, DSc
Head of the Polymer Division, N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Professor, Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia; Professor, Kazan National Research Technological Unive

Gennady E. Zaikov, DSc, is a Full Professor and Head of the Polymer Division at the N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, and Professor at Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia. He is also a Professor at Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia. He is also a prolific author, researcher, and lecturer, with over 2700 invited lectures through 2013 (including over 170 in the last three years) at conferences, universities, and research institutes. He has received several awards for his work, including the Russian Federation Scholarship for Outstanding Scientists. He has over 4400 research publications through 2014, including 451 monographic books, 250 volumes, and 12 textbooks. In addition, he is a member of editorial/advisory boards of many books. He has been a member of many professional organizations and on the editorial boards of many international science journals.

Larissa I. Weisfeld, PhD
Senior Researcher, N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Larissa I. Weisfeld, PhD, is a Senior Researcher at the N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia, and a member of the N. I. Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders. She is the author of about 300 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, as well as the coauthor of a work on three new cultivars of winter wheat. Her research interests concern the basic problems of chemical mutagenesis, cytogenetics, and the other ecological problems. She has worked as a scientific editor at the publishing house Nauka (Moscow) and of the journals Genetics and Ontogenesis. She was a coeditor of the book Ecological Consequences of Increasing Crop Productivity: Plant Breeding and Biotic Diversity and Biological Systems, Biodiversity, and Stability of Plant Communities (Apple Academic Press).

Eugene M. Lisitsyn, DSc
Assistant Professor, N.V. Rudnitsky NorthEast Agricultural Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences; Pofessor of Ecology and Zoology, Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia

Eugene M. Lisitsyn, DSc in Biology, is an Assistant Professor at the N.V. Rudnitsky NorthEast Agricultural Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences in Kirov, Russia, and a Professor of ecology and zoology at Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, also in Kirov, Russia. He is a member of the N. I. Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders. Dr. Lisitsyn is the author of about 230 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, as well as the cobreeder of oats variety Krechet. His research interests concern the basic problems of plant adaptation to environmental stressors such as soil acidity, aluminum and heavy metals, and the other ecological problems. He has published chapters in several books, including Barley: Production, Cultivation and Uses; Biological Systems, Biodiversity and Stability of Plant Communities; Chemical and Structure Modification of Polymers, Temperate Crop Science and Breeding. Ecological and Genetic Studies, among others.

Sarra A. Bekuzarova, DSc
Professor and Head, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania; Professor,Gorsky State University of Agriculture, Professor at North-Ossetia State University, Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia

Sarra A. Bekuzarova, DSc in Agriculture, is a Deserved Inventor of Russia and has been awarded the Medal of Popova. She is a Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Plant Breeding and feed crops of longterm seed grower of fodder crops in North Caucasus Institute of mountain and foothill agriculture of the Republic of North Ossetia Alania. She is also a Professor at the Gorsky State University of Agriculture, Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia Alania, Russia, as well as Professor at L.N. Kosta Khetagurov North Ossetia State University, Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia Alania, Russia. She is a prolific author, researcher, and lecturer. She is corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and a member of the International Academy of Authors of the Scientific Discoveries and Inventions, the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology; Safety of Man and Nature; the AllRussian Academy of Nontraditional and Rare Plants; and the International Academy of Agrarian Education. Dr. Bekuzarova is also a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals. She was an author and a coeditor of several books, including Ecological Consequences of Increasing Crop Productivity. Plant Breading and Biotic Diversity; Biological Systems, Biodiversity and Stability of Plant Communities; and Temperate Crop Science and Breeding. Ecological and Genetic Studies.

Reviewer and Advisory Board Members:
Anatoly I. Opalko, PhD, Professor; and A. K. Haghi, PhD

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