Materials Science

Chromic Materials
Fundamentals, Measurements, and Applications

Michal Vik, PhD
Aravin Prince Periyasamy
Editor: Martina Vikova, PhD

Chromic Materials

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: August 2018
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781771886802
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-536-0
E-Book ISBN: 9781351171007
Pages: 440 w/Index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Notes: 37 color and 236 b/w illustrations

Now Available in Paperback

This new book, Chromic Materials: Fundamentals, Measurements, and Applications, reflects the state of art in the science of color-changeable materials. The book describes the facts behind the chromic phenomena from the point of application, spectrophotometry of chromic materials, and instrumentation and their testing and provides an abundance of in-depth knowledge about the field of colorimetry.

This unique book begins with a short historical overview of the chromic phenomena, chromic materials, and classification of chromic materials. It also provides comprehensive treatises on chromic (or color-changeable) textiles and production techniques. Detailed descriptions of measurement methods that are usable in cases of translucent or opaque materials are provided as well.

A number of new concepts are discussed along with standardized CIE (International Commission on Illumination) colorimetry with various CIE color space systems. Chromic materials appear as a dynamic system, which allows for a wide range of potential applications and related research. The volume looks at the validation and standardization of the measurement method of chromic materials that is in its infancy as compared to other analytical methods, and covers in detail the fundamentals of spectrophotometry, colorimetry, the Kubelka-Munk theory, and kinetic and fatigue measurements.

The authors share their own experiences with measurement of color chromic materials, respectively, their kinetic behavior in exposure and decay phases from point of colorimetric and spectrophotometric characteristics, with the view to help fill the huge gap in field of measurement from point of view in standardization. The authors conclude with an in-depth study of the testing of chromic testing, including testing for color fastness, fatigue resistance, light fastness, wash fastness, and rubbing fastness.

The book will be highly useful for researchers and academicians alike as well as to industry professionals. It will also be a fascinating read for those with varied interests in chromic materials and kinetic measurement.

Key features
  • Provides an overview of the chromic phenomena, color-changing materials, and classification of chromic materials
  • Presents color-changeable textiles and production techniques
  • Explores current industrial applications and future outlooks for these color-changeable materials
  • Focuses on quality assurance in dynamic color measurements
  • Outlines concepts for establishing standards in this field together with analysis of theoretical aspects


1. Basic Terms
Blackbody radiation
Interaction of Light with Matter
Lambert-Beer law
Human Color Vision

2. Type of Chromic Materials
Definition of Chromic Phenomena
Materials with Photochromic Colorants
Materials with Thermochromic Colorants
Materials with Chemochromic Colorants
Materials with Electrochromiccolorants
Materials with Luminescent Colorants

3. Application of Chromic Materials
Production of Chromic Materials

4. CIE Colorimetry
Light Sources
CIE Standard Observer
Approximately Uniform Color Spaces
Color Difference Formulas
CIE 2015 Cone-Fundamental-Based CIE Colorimetry

5. Instrumentation
Specular and Diffuse Reflection
Geometric Conditions for Colorimetry
Measuring Devices in Colorimetry

6. Spectrophotometry of Color Change
Specification of Device for Color Change Measurement
Interactions Between Light and Media
Spectral Data of Chromic Materials
Determination of Absorption and Scattering Coefficients
Measurement of Thermal Sensitivity of Photo Chromic Materials
Impact of Drawing Ratio on Difference in Optical Density

7. Testing Of Chromic Materials
Definition of Color Fastness
Definition of Fatigue Resistance
Light Fastness
Wash Fastness
Rubbing Fastness
Sources of Further Information


About the Authors / Editors:
Michal Vik, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Material Science, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

Michal Vik, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Material Science at the Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, and research consultant for the Centre for the Development of Engineering Research VÚTS, a.s. His scientific activities are in the areas of color science (color and appearance measurement, color difference formula development, quality control, and development and design of instruments), textile materials science (smart materials, advanced microscopy), and textile finishing (surface modification: plasma, photo-polymerization). Dr. Vik is a member of the Optical Society of America and has held positions with the Czech Society of Textile Chemists and Colorists and the ?NK CIE (Czech National Committee) (a national society of the International Commission on Illumination-CIE). He is a member of Division 1 of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) and member of the CIE Technical Committees (TC1-55, TC1-63, TC1-72, TC1-95, TC2-61). He is an expert member of the European Technology Platform-Textile. Currently, he is head of the Colorimetry Group of the Czech Republic and Laboratory Color and Appearance Measurement of the Department of Material Engineering Technical University of Liberec. He is author or co-author of six books, about 20 scientific papers published in journals, more than 150 scientific contributions on the international conferences, and five patents.

Aravin Prince Periyasamy
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

Aravin Prince Periyasamy is in the PhD degree program at the Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, under the supervision of Dr. Martina Vikova and Dr. Michal Vik, on investigating the issues of kinetic measurement of photochromic textiles. His research interests include color chemistry; fiber production; kinetic measurement of photochromism and theoretical simulations of photochromic processes; production of photochromic materials with various techniques, namely mass coloration, screen-printing, and digital printing; and electrospinning. He is the author of three books and many articles, some of which were published in peer-reviewed journals. He has also presented severalpapers at professional conferences. He holds BTech and MTech degrees in textile engineering from the Anna University, Chennai, India.

Editor: Martina Vikova, PhD
Associate Professor, Material Science, Department of Material Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Martina Vikova, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Material Science, Department of Material Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic. Her research interests include color chemistry, application of photochromic and thermochromic systems, synthesis of novel coloring matters, and dyeing of textiles. She has been the head of the research group IA3 of the project OP VaVpI “Innovative Products and Environmental Technologies.” She is currently vice-head of the Colorimetry Group of the Czech Republic and Laboratory Color and Appearance Measurement of the Department of Material Engineering, Technical University of Liberec. She is author or co-author of three books, about 15 scientific papers published in journals, more than 80 scientific contributions at the international conferences, and five patents. She graduated with an MSc degree in textile engineering from the Technical University of Liberec and a PhD from Herriot-Watt University, School of Textile and Design, United Kingdom.

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